Endless Summer Rum

Wingard Creative

Landing Page Mockup

As an Art Director at Wingard Creative, I was part of an effort to pitch an advertising campaign to a potential client, Endless Summer Rum. Nearly everyone in the agency had a hand in pulling it together, and I was responsible for creating a mockup of the landing page for the silver rum, including links to recipes, retail outlets, and information about the “Endless Summer” movie that inspired its name.

This mockup was created in Photoshop — the landing page was built separately and brought into the file as a smart object, and the green wine bottle in the sand was the perfect shape to be transformed into a bottle of Endless Summer rum.

Art Director

design, mock-ups


Click to zoom

Drink Recipe Mobile App

Another element of the campaign was a mobile app cataloging a variety of drink recipes which could be made using Endless Summer silver rum. Users could swipe through the colorful cocktails, pick one that interested them and click “Make It” to see the ingredients and step-by-step instructions to create the drink.

In addition, I included a button to simply navigate to a searchable list and one to locate retail stores where Endless Summer Rum could be purchased.

Lastly, I added a series of buttons linking to Endless Summer Rum on all their social channels.

Art Director

design, mock-ups
